Mounting on Forex 5 or 10 mm
Papers : Photo - Pigmentary
Special Papers - Poster
Dimensions: until 160 x 300 cm |
Choice of Suspension Systems | |
Delivery : ca. 3-5 jours |
Dimensions: until 160 x 300 cm |
Choice of Suspension Systems | |
Delivery : ca. 3-5 jours |
The Forex 5 mm is light and suitable up to the format 160 cm x 300 cm
10mm Forex provides greater rigidity for larger panels
Alu 10/45 Suspension System with Wall Batten (in red)
Depending on the product, you can - during your order - choose between a Professional or a Simple Hanging System.
Depending on the dimensions and weight, the online system will propose the most obvious solutions:
Professional Hanging Systems :
Are the Hidden Aluminum Hanging Frames with reinforced corners, as shown here on the left.
Simple Hanging Systems :
Spacers - Hanging Hooks - Velcro Systems etc....
Some papers can be protected by a satin protective film up to 150 cm wide.
Some papers can be protected by an invisible varnish.