Easy Install
Easy Install

Easy Install

Adjusted Strips

Adjusted Strips

Supplied on a Roll

Supplied on a Roll

Spray Water & Stick

Spray Water & Stick

Pre-Glued Wall Paper 225gr

Pictures on your Wall

100 x 100 cm : Starting from 35,00 € excl. VAT

Resize All Dimensions :
Until 1200 x 300 cm
Hanging Pre-Glued Back
Transport Delivery : ca. 8 workingdays

The Width of your Strips will be Adjusted to your Project

Our technicians divide your image into manageable widths with overhangs on the left/right and underside to be cut according to the circumstances.

The top wedging serves as a starting point.

The mounting of the strips is done one against the other (no overlapping). This greatly facilitates the work of the installer.

The inks are certified ecological, they have no odors. They can be used in hospitals, children's rooms, schools...

The print is scuff resistant so it can be installed without any problems.

Easy to Install

  1. Spray water on the back of the wallpaper.
  2. Let it soak during a few moment.

Don't be afraid : the ink is not soluble in water.

  1. Apply the wallpaper to the wall using a damp sponge.
  2. Expel any air bubbles well.

Let it dry during 24h.

Some Exemples and Ideas...

Brighten up office spaces with printed wallpaper

The children's room decorated with printed wallpaper

The bedroom decorated with printed wallpaper

A daring intimate corner due to the printed wallpaper

Bring your message immediately at the reception desk with printed wallpaper

Adapted to an existing shape